Baptist Christian Hospital Tezpur
Tel No (Accident and Emergency) +91 9127018061
North Bank Baptist Medical Association
Community College
The Hospital is now planning to start a community college to facilitate the under privileged section of the society in the surrounding community.
Community Colleges which serves as an alternative system of education specifically aims to empower the disadvantaged by helping them develop skills that will lead to gainful employment and make a qualitative difference in the lives of the urban, rural and tribal poor and women. It works in collaboration with the community leaders to create opportunities for employment in the local area.
It helps in developing skills for employment and self-employability particularly to the marginalized and underprivileged sections of society. It offers the advantage of tailoring programs to local needs and state-based requirements by using approaches that will be most acceptable to workers in the given community.
The community college system has and will empower disadvantaged youth for employment in their own localities and helped them rise to higher levels.
According to the Statistics of School Education 2010-11, the dropout rates in the state of Assam are as follows
Dropout rates
Boys Girls
Class I-V 28.7 25.1
Class I-VIII 40.3 41.0
The number of persons unemployed and the unemployment rate during 2009-10 per 1000 population are as follows:
Population Unemployment Unemployment rate
Rural male 9 16
Rural female 4 16
Urban male 16 28
Urban female 8 7
Taking in view the current state of unemployed youth and school dropouts, which are increasing with the growing years, the Hospital seeks to start the community college targeting Rural tribal unemployed youth from the poor and marginalized communities who are school dropouts and also rural women with the main aim to
Empower the disadvantaged by helping them develop competencies and emphasize the teaching of life, communication and English skills that will lead to gainful employment
Work in collaboration with the community leaders to create opportunities for employment and self-employability in the local area.
Alleviate poverty by providing skills for gainful employment thereby preventing the risk of trafficking which is widely prevalent in this part of the country.
With such high dropouts and unemployed youths in north east especially in Assam, It is the interest of our organization to reach the unreached and train people from the local areas so that they will serve their own community which will enhance equity in distribution of Healthcare. Our institution has produced thousands of quality health workers from all over the North Eastern States especially from the remote villages of North-east till today; and who are all been well placed and serving under various capacities in Hospital as well as in the community set up all over the country , The opening of this Community college in the Baptist Christian Hospital will bring a great change in the community as well as in the lives of these youths who will be able to live a productive life and at the same time it will serve as an answer to the scarcity of health personnel in the country and will also be a step forward to meet the millennial goals of health.