Baptist Christian Hospital Tezpur
Tel No (Accident and Emergency) +91 9127018061
North Bank Baptist Medical Association
Here are a few of the stories of patients that have touched us and encourage us to go on.
10-hour-old baby of Yeshmina Begum and Razab Ali, teachers in a primary school of Sonitpur District, was born after prolonged labor in a secondary care hospital with a birth weight of 2.5kg. The baby boy had birth asphyxia and did not cry soon after birth. After initial resuscitation, the baby was transferred to the Baptist Christian Hospital, Tezpur. The baby was dehydrated, had features of early onset neonatal sepsis and had multifocal neonatal seizures. After assessment in the emergency unit, the baby was stabilized and transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit of the hospital. He was started on antibiotics, anticonvulsants and was given intravenous fluids to maintain her blood glucose and electrolyte levels. After intensive management of seizures, the baby stopped seizing after 24 hours. He developed non-hemolytic hyperbilirubinemia, which required phototherapy for 24 hours. He was started on graded feeds with expressed breast milk through a nasogastric tube and was breast-feeding within 80 hours of birth. He was started on early intervention therapy by our occupational and physiotherapists and have advised the family to have a close follow up of the developmental milestones of the baby to prevent any further morbidity.
The entire treatment cost was subsidized and helped a baby find life that is in line with the mission of the organization – to serve the poor and the marginalized.
Baby was saved

18 month old John was brought with history of vomiting and abdominal pain to the hospital that had lasted 14 days. He was seen at various hospitals and given medications. He was seen in the emergency department was diagnosed to have meningitis. A CT scan of the brain revealed severe hydrocephalus. He was advised to go to a higher center for the neurosurgical intervention as we did not have any facilities here.
The parents were reluctant to go because of financial difficulties. And asked us to do whatever was possible. After extensive discussions we contacted a friend who is a neurosurgeon at Guwahati (about 4 hours away by road) and requested for his services. He readliy agreed and drove down to do the neurosurgical procedure using makeshift equipment.
Within 24 hours, the baby improved and was discharged on the fourth post-operative day. Investigations of the Cerebro-spinal flluid revealed tuberculosis and he was started on anti-tuberculous therapy through the DOTS program.
He is doing well and the parents have expressed their gratitude many times over. They say that their child has found his second life here at BCH and praised the team. The costs for treatment were less than 5% of the total cost they would have had to bear, had they gone to any other hospital.